Travel Guide Books App


Jan 2024

My Focus

  • UX research

  • UI design

  • Business development


Individual exam project - Business Academy Aarhus

Project Links

Personal Summary

This project introduced me to Strategic Foresight, which I applied to develop an innovative concept. Thinking about future scenarios and long-term impact helped me approach problem solving in a more structured way. A key challenge was redefining the business’s value proposition to align with a new digital solution. This experience gave me insight into the complexities businesses face when transitioning from analogue to digital systems.

I also practiced various business analysis techniques, such as risk analysis, to assess the feasibility and potential challenges of my concept. Additionally, using UX research results to guide the design was a valuable learning experience. I translated user insights into actionable data, ensuring that my solution was both user-centered and strategically aligned. Overall, this project strengthened my ability to create innovative solutions, and to merge business strategy with user experience.


Jan 2024

My Focus

  • UX research

  • UI design

  • Business development


Individual exam project - Business Academy Aarhus

Project Links

Personal Summary

This project introduced me to Strategic Foresight, which I applied to develop an innovative concept. Thinking about future scenarios and long-term impact helped me approach problem solving in a more structured way. A key challenge was redefining the business’s value proposition to align with a new digital solution. This experience gave me insight into the complexities businesses face when transitioning from analogue to digital systems.

I also practiced various business analysis techniques, such as risk analysis, to assess the feasibility and potential challenges of my concept. Additionally, using UX research results to guide the design was a valuable learning experience. I translated user insights into actionable data, ensuring that my solution was both user-centered and strategically aligned. Overall, this project strengthened my ability to create innovative solutions, and to merge business strategy with user experience.


Jan 2024

My Focus

  • UX research

  • UI design

  • Business development


Individual exam project - Business Academy Aarhus

Project Links

Personal Summary

This project introduced me to Strategic Foresight, which I applied to develop an innovative concept. Thinking about future scenarios and long-term impact helped me approach problem solving in a more structured way. A key challenge was redefining the business’s value proposition to align with a new digital solution. This experience gave me insight into the complexities businesses face when transitioning from analogue to digital systems.

I also practiced various business analysis techniques, such as risk analysis, to assess the feasibility and potential challenges of my concept. Additionally, using UX research results to guide the design was a valuable learning experience. I translated user insights into actionable data, ensuring that my solution was both user-centered and strategically aligned. Overall, this project strengthened my ability to create innovative solutions, and to merge business strategy with user experience.


For my final 1. semester project at Business Academy Aarhus, I undertook an individual exam case. Within a week, I developed a digital solution for the Turen går til travel books.

The project involved Design Thinking, various business analyses, and culminated in a presentation to the teachers. During the presentation, I explained my design process, argued my decisions, and introduced the concept.


How can Turen går til books create value through a new digital solution?

The challenge was to revitalize Turen går til books amidst declining book sales and competition from internet guides.

I was tasked with creating a mobile-first digital concept that will leverage the books’ travel knowledge with the goal to attract both Danish and international audiences. Integration of future technologies (e.g., AI, VR, AR) was also encouraged, but not a requirement.

A scope wheel that encourages Strategic Foresight; I used it to try and find an innovative solution


To comprehend why people purchase travel books and how they utilize them while traveling, I conducted desk and qualitative research (interviews). Additionally, I explored multiple future technologies to brainstorm on what can be included in the final solution.

Next, I defined my target audience through a persona and Jobs To Be Done. Also, I considered some business aspects, including Feasibility Analysis, Force-field Analysis, and Risk Analysis. My concept had to take into account that the company's value creation process would change, so I redefined it through the Value Proposition Canvas.

Using Jobs To Be Done and Job Stories to empathize with the target audience

I created a Force-field Analysis to understand what the company would have to consider when creating the new solution

Redefining the value proposition of the company

Before starting the prototype phase, I devised an optimal user flow to ensure a seamless experience and to address all major Jobs To Be Done requirements.

While designing the app, I adhered to the company’s visual style to ensure brand recognition among future users. Additionally, I incorporated some Tidwell’s Behavioural Patterns in the design of the user interface.

User flow visualization


The final concept consisted of a mobile app that would provide a new and contemporary way to receive information about various destinations, and the ability to create itineraries effortlessly through artificial intelligence.

I ensured that the concept would give stakeholders inside the company enough information about desirability, feasibility and viability of the solution. That way, they could make informed decisions moving forward and potentially utilize the prototype as a foundation for future iterations.